
借用他人的思想,引用他人的话在写Essay时不可避免。但借用别人的思想而未加以注明则是一种剽窃行为。有关参考文献的写法国际上有惯例和规则,最为流行的参考文献的写法是MLA(The Modern Language Association)、APA(The American Psychological Association)和Chicago Manual Style。APA广泛应用于社会科学和教育领域。本文小编为大家分享这两种格式的文献引用写作方法。如果需要代写请记得找我们1st

 一、 引文的格式


1 文中夹注(Parenthetical Citation)


Hosenfeld found that unsuccessful readers could be taught the lexical strategies of successful readers, confirming Wenden’s observation that“ineffective learners are inactive learners. Their apparent inability to learn is, in fact, due to their not having an appropriate repertoire of learning strategies.”(1985:7)


Results supported the notion that learners can be taught to use more effective learning strategies:

Strategies training was successfully demonstrated in a natural teaching environment with second language listening and speaking tasks. This indicates that classroom instructions on learning strategies with integrative language skills can facilitate learning(O’Malley et al 1985a: 577).

3)多个作者在第二次被提到时可用第一个作者的姓加et al.

Finally, information type is based on contrasts such as concrete-abstract, static-dynamic, contextualized-decontextualized(Brown et al.1978).


This is not a recent discovery. More than a hundred years ago, the neo-grammarians Hermann Osthoff and Karl Brugman described such a situation very well:

When serious attempts at upset are directed against a procedure that one is used to and with which one feels comfortable, one is always more readily stimulated to ward off the disturbance than to undertake a thorough revision and possible alteration of the accustomed procedure.

(Osthoff and Brugman 1878(1967):204)

2 脚注(Footnotes)


1. The materials used in the class consisted of two texts-a vocabulary building text and an advanced reading text-and the SRA Kit2

2. SRA Reading Laboratory is a set of materials for students in grades 9 to 12. The kit contains multilevel individualized learning materials focusing on reading and study skills.

3. 尾注(Endnotes)



1. Emily Bronte(Ellis Bell, pseud.), Wuthering Heights(London, 1850).

2. E. Nwezeh, “The Comparative Approach To Modern African Literature,”Yearbook of General and Comparative Literature, no. 28(1979):22.

 二、 参考文献(Bibliography)

APA格式建议使用references一词。当使用references时,列出的作者和作品一定是在文中提到过的。Bibliography可包括文中提到的作者或作品,也包括相关的阅读的材料。MLA形式要求用List of Works Cited。




Krashen, S. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon.

Lenneberg, E. 1967. Biological Foundations of Language Teaching. New York: John Wiley and Sons.


Cisneros, Sandra. Woman Hollering Creek. New York: Random, 1991.

Barlett, Donald L., and James B. Steele. Forevermore: Nuclear Waste in America. New York: Norton, 1985


Gregg, K. R. 1984. ’Krashen’s monitor and Occam’s razor.’ TESOL Quarterly 20:116-22

Jacobson, W. 1987.’ An assessment of the communication needs of non-native speakers of English in an undergraduate physics lab.’ ESP Journal 5:173-88.

Johnson, K. 1983.’ Syllabus design: possible future trends’ in K. Johnson and D. Porter(eds.): Perspectives in Communicative Language Teaching. New York: Academic Press. (论文集中的一篇)



Greene, Bob.“What’s Bad For General Motors?”. Chicago Tribune 24 December, 1991:2.1(MLA格式)