留学生Essay Introduction写作教程



作为绝大多数论文结构中必不可少的一环,Introduction自有其存在意义。在之前关于怎么做secondary reading的文章中我们曾经提到过,一篇优秀的学术写作应该是建立在写作者已经对该领域有一些广泛了解的基础上的。那么Introduction应该体现出来的,首先就是作者在这个专业领域方面的理解程度,以及在这个大范围内的某一专业方向的细致研究。而衔接两个方面的,便是所谓的“契机”。这个契机一般会是某个研究上的错误,或是某个特定方向的匮乏,甚至也有可能是一种对于新理论的应用。若能体现出这个契机的重要性,Introduction写作也就成功了一半。



做完这项类似于literature review的工作以后,重点就要放在自己文章的研究中心上了。简而言之,此时的写作重点在于:










Essay代写高手分享short essay技巧


关于切题,就是不跑题、偏题。有许多同学看题目并不仔细,有的时候会落掉关键词,有的时候会理解偏差,有的时候会写着写着就忘记了关键词。这三种错误情况都经常出现在同学们的short essay写作当中,所以大家要牢记一定要记住关键词。

对这一题来说,关键词无非是三个:formal written examination,valid method,assess students learning。只要牢记这三点,在想论点的时候就不会出现跑题或者偏题的问题了。


关于论点,有许多同学并不擅长想论点,因此就会造成考试的时候生硬的去瞎编。同学们要注意,short essay里面论点一眼就能看出。因此同学们一定要尽量把观点写得能够说服人。避免一上考场临场发挥,写出来不知所云的essay。


1. Teachers can identify the thinking and reasoning process.

2. Students are forced to demonstrate the extent of their knowledge.

3.Easier to monitor plagiarism and cheating

4.Broad coverage of content


1.Inability to assess practical skills, such as verbal communication, interpersonal skills etc.

2.The tendency to rely on publishers test banks

3. May encourage surface learning only

4. Possibly measure students test-taking ability rather than content knowledge or understanding



其实同意替换并没有大家想的那么难,只是很多同学的思维会被题目固化。简单的方法就是你翻译成中文,再用自己的话去解释或者翻译会比较容易。此外,还可以多上网查查native speaker是怎样表达同样意思的。对于这一篇来说,可以使用的替换词包括:

written assessment

formal assessment method

evaluation approach

formal examination system

assessment tools

written tests

assessment education…






Teachers can provide better feedback on answers.A written,developed answer allows for more opportunity for a teacher to assess thinking process,and an instructorcan target feedback to address specific portions of a student’s response.

前一句话是总领,后面一句是具体解释如何provide better feedback。

这位essay代写高手对于short essay写作的理解很透彻,拿分点也给同学们说的很清楚,大家在后面完成这类essay写作时一定要注意上述问题。还可以结合《short essay写作套路知多少》这篇文章进行阅读。需要essay代写的同学可以扫描右边的二维码联系我们的客服!同学们可以点名让这位Adan写手帮忙代写哦!新客户首单立减5%!


借用他人的思想,引用他人的话在写Essay时不可避免。但借用别人的思想而未加以注明则是一种剽窃行为。有关参考文献的写法国际上有惯例和规则,最为流行的参考文献的写法是MLA(The Modern Language Association)、APA(The American Psychological Association)和Chicago Manual Style。APA广泛应用于社会科学和教育领域。本文小编为大家分享这两种格式的文献引用写作方法。如果需要代写请记得找我们1st

 一、 引文的格式


1 文中夹注(Parenthetical Citation)


Hosenfeld found that unsuccessful readers could be taught the lexical strategies of successful readers, confirming Wenden’s observation that“ineffective learners are inactive learners. Their apparent inability to learn is, in fact, due to their not having an appropriate repertoire of learning strategies.”(1985:7)


Results supported the notion that learners can be taught to use more effective learning strategies:

Strategies training was successfully demonstrated in a natural teaching environment with second language listening and speaking tasks. This indicates that classroom instructions on learning strategies with integrative language skills can facilitate learning(O’Malley et al 1985a: 577).

3)多个作者在第二次被提到时可用第一个作者的姓加et al.

Finally, information type is based on contrasts such as concrete-abstract, static-dynamic, contextualized-decontextualized(Brown et al.1978).


This is not a recent discovery. More than a hundred years ago, the neo-grammarians Hermann Osthoff and Karl Brugman described such a situation very well:

When serious attempts at upset are directed against a procedure that one is used to and with which one feels comfortable, one is always more readily stimulated to ward off the disturbance than to undertake a thorough revision and possible alteration of the accustomed procedure.

(Osthoff and Brugman 1878(1967):204)

2 脚注(Footnotes)


1. The materials used in the class consisted of two texts-a vocabulary building text and an advanced reading text-and the SRA Kit2

2. SRA Reading Laboratory is a set of materials for students in grades 9 to 12. The kit contains multilevel individualized learning materials focusing on reading and study skills.

3. 尾注(Endnotes)



1. Emily Bronte(Ellis Bell, pseud.), Wuthering Heights(London, 1850).

2. E. Nwezeh, “The Comparative Approach To Modern African Literature,”Yearbook of General and Comparative Literature, no. 28(1979):22.

 二、 参考文献(Bibliography)

APA格式建议使用references一词。当使用references时,列出的作者和作品一定是在文中提到过的。Bibliography可包括文中提到的作者或作品,也包括相关的阅读的材料。MLA形式要求用List of Works Cited。




Krashen, S. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon.

Lenneberg, E. 1967. Biological Foundations of Language Teaching. New York: John Wiley and Sons.


Cisneros, Sandra. Woman Hollering Creek. New York: Random, 1991.

Barlett, Donald L., and James B. Steele. Forevermore: Nuclear Waste in America. New York: Norton, 1985


Gregg, K. R. 1984. ’Krashen’s monitor and Occam’s razor.’ TESOL Quarterly 20:116-22

Jacobson, W. 1987.’ An assessment of the communication needs of non-native speakers of English in an undergraduate physics lab.’ ESP Journal 5:173-88.

Johnson, K. 1983.’ Syllabus design: possible future trends’ in K. Johnson and D. Porter(eds.): Perspectives in Communicative Language Teaching. New York: Academic Press. (论文集中的一篇)



Greene, Bob.“What’s Bad For General Motors?”. Chicago Tribune 24 December, 1991:2.1(MLA格式)




众所周知,绝大部分留学生毕业论文常见格式有MLA、APA、HARVARD、CHICAGO、 SCI、REFERENCING、SSCI,EI等多种各种,在创作之前需要彻底明确自己需要用到的是什么格式,特别是Final paper一定要特别的重视起来,随着互联网的发展,网上有很多这些格式的详细介绍,建议在写作之前多去浏览,参考最终明确自己所需要的格式。









APA格式作为国外大学essay写作中比较常见的一种文献格式,对我们留学新生来说遇到一些几百字的short essay可以不用写reference,而遇到超过1500字的essay一般来说就会有相应的reference list条目数量要求,这就需要大家根据APA格式写作规范来书写reference. 接下来教育小编来讨论一下APA格式中常见的著作和论文的文中夹注与参考文献的写法:

1. Books 著作

1) Book with one author (一位作者的著作)

Reference citation in text (文中夹注)

Rosenthal (1987) has argued that …or … this is significant (Rosenthal, 1987).
If the author’s name is not in the text, include it in the parentheses.

J. Sandemose has discussed this in his biography (2004, pp.522-552).
It is recommended to include the page number (or chapter) in addition to the year when paraphrasing or referring to a passage. This is optional.

In bibliography (参考文献)
Rosenthal, R. (1987). Meta-analytic procedures for social research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Sandemose, J. (2004). Aksel Sandemose: A biography. Oslo: Aschehoug.

2) Book with two to seven authors (2到7位作者的著作)

Reference citation in text (文中夹注)

Beck and Sales (2001 ) here establish a new theory.
or A new theory is established here (Beck & Sales, 2001).
In all subsequent citations to books with two authors, repeat both names and year.

This is also analysed in terms of theories of aesthetics (Carlsen,Nielsen, & Rasmussen, 2001).
With 3-5 authors, write all names in the first citation. In subsequent citations write only the first author’s surname followed by et al. (et al. = “and others”.) With 6 or more authors,cite only the first author’s surname followed by et al. in allcitations. The year is included in all citations, e.g.(Carlsen et al., 2001).

In bibliography (参考文献)
Beck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation:Facts, myths, and future prospects. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Carlsen, M. S., Nielsen, K. G., & Rasmussen, K. S. (2001). Deleuze’s philosophy. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum.
All authors’ names (up to 7) are written in the bibliography.

3) Chapter in book with editor (选集中的章节)

Reference citation in text (文中夹注)
There are, as Sleeter (1995) has proven, large variations.
The in-text citation refers to the author of the chapter.

In bibliography (参考文献)
Sleeter, C. E. (1995). Radical structuralist perspectives and learning disabilities. In T. M. Skrtic (Ed.), Disability and democracy:Reconstructing(special) education for postmodernity (pp. 153-165). New York : Teachers College.
Chapter author and chapter title are written first, then the editor(s),book title (in italics), and chapter page numbers (in parentheses).The reference to the book begins with “In”.

2. Articles 论文

1) Article with one author (一位作者的论文)
Reference citation in text (文中夹注)
From printed journal without DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 
According to Friscolanti, we are entering “a new age of hybrid tanks… and biogenerators that transform trash into power” (2009, p. 35).
Write … in a quote if words are excluded. Write the page number of the quote.

From online journal without DOI: 
Skull fractures caused by golf balls can inflict brain damage in young children (Steinbok, 2008).

From journal (printed or online) with DOI: 
Since 1970 the number of children who have received the diagnosis autism has tripled(Safran, 2008, p. 92). “The term autism has undergone a complete transformation since the 1940’s” writes psychologist S. P. Safran (ibid., p.90).
When there are several citations to the same source,“ibid.” can be used. Include the pagenumber of the quote.

In bibliography (参考文献)
From printed journal without DOI(Digital Object Identifier): 
Friscolanti, M. (2009). Lean, green war machine. Maclean’s, 121(51),35-36.
The title of the journal (not the article) is in italics. Volume in italics. Issue in parentheses, and not in italics. Write page number(s) for the entire article.

From online journal without DOI:
Steinbok, P. (2008). Operative management of growing skull fractures. Child’s Nervous System, 24(5), 605-607. Retrieved from http://www.springerlink.com
Write complete URL if content is freely available (open access).Write URL of the journal’s home page if available by subscription (this example).

From journal (printed or online) with DOI:
Safran, S. P. (2008). Why youngsters with autistic spectrum disorders remain underrepresented in special education.
Remedial and Special Education, 29(2), 90- 95. doi:10.1177/0741932507311637
Do not write the name of the database or URL because the DOI is a specific identifier and link to content when written in the address line of a browser or in a doiresolver.

2) Article with several authors 有多位作者的论文
Reference citation in text (文中夹注)
Articles with two authors: 有两位作者的论文
Write both names in all citations. 
The study shows that men do more housework after they become fathers (Deutsch, Lussier, & Servis, 1993, p. 116).

Articles with 3-5 authors: 有3-5位作者的论文
Write all names in the first citation. In the next citation to the same article, name only the first author followed by et al. and year. Page number is optional, but recommended.

Articles with more than five authors: 有五位以上作者的论文
Write only the first author followed by et al. and the year, for all citations.

In bibliography (参考文献)
The title of the journal (not the article) in italics.
Deutsch, F. M., Lussier, J. B., & Servis, L. J. (1993).Husbands at home. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 115- 117.
For articles with up to six authors, write all names. For articles with seven or more authors, write the first six names followed by … and then the last author’s name. (This example shows an article from a printed journal without DOI.)

3) Newspaper article 报纸文章
Reference citation in text (文中夹注)
Printed newspaper: 出版的报纸
Obesity has a direct correlation, not only to heart disease and cancer, but also to poverty (Schwartz, 2005).

Online newspaper: 网络报纸
The economic crisis in the USA strengthens Obama’s chances of winning the presidential election (Nagourney & Bumiller, 2008).

In bibliography (参考文献)
newspaper: 出版的报纸
Schwartz, J. (2005, September 30). Obesity affects economic,social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4-A5.
If an article appears on discontinuous pages, give all page numbers, and separate the numbers with a comma.

Online newspaper:网络报纸
Nagourney, A., & Bumiller, E. (2008, September 25). McCainleaps into a thicket. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com

超过1500字的essay对我们大多数中国留学生来说写作都有难度,不论是字数要求还是格式要求还是reference list写作规范都比较难写,建议大家交给我们老牌机构来完成,投身留学生essay代写行业,立志成为专业优秀的essay代写品牌,欢迎广大留学小伙伴对我们的服务进行评价,提出建议和意见,我们将竭诚为您提供最专业、最高效、最精湛的essay代写服务,欢迎咨询网站客服。

一些写作学术词汇分享Essay report写作的学术词

3:特定于单个主题领域的技术词汇(TechnicalWords)我们先来看看什么是The GeneralService List(GSL)日常高频词汇。
首先有个单词表叫The GeneralService List(GSL),是Bauerand Nation在1995年开发的一个词汇表,主要包括了英语中最经常用的2500词族(Word Family),
同时里面有些单词也是可以用在学术场景里的,比如·The aim of this report is to…[seelanguage for reports]·
There are several possible reasons forthis·In comparison, the control group…但是有些单词就不可以用在学术场景里,
比如:·Spoken English is more informal thanacademic English.
It uses phrases like ‘like’ and things like that.·Acid rain is a bad thing for all ofus.
但是,我们平时学习大部分都是在学习GSL的一般词汇表,除了单独上过学术英语(English forAcademic)课程,
学术英语词汇列表(AcademicWord List),这个概念是新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学AssociateProf. Averil Coxhead开发的,
当然都是基于词汇学习测试界研究的翘楚,Prof. PaulNation,他在1983年开发了第一个VocabularyLevel Test(VLT),
今天我们要推荐的VocabularySize Test,它也是Prof.Paul Nation的研究成果之一,这个测试是基于前面的理论研究进行不断的修改,
3.学会把词汇找机会尽可能的运用到自己的写作或者学术活动中,还是那句话PracticeMakes Perfect。
以上就是关于Essay写作词汇的讲解,希望同学们都可以正确运用词汇,写好Essay. 如需其他学术服务可以咨询我们的客服哦